Anil Kumar, Ph.D. Post-doctoral associate anilkumar.ganga@yale.edu |
Research Scientist, Duke University
Previously: Post-doctoral associate
Margaret Kennedy Post-graduate associate margaret.kennedy@yale.edu |
Ph.D. student in Scott Lowe lab, Sloan Kettering Graduate School of Biomedical Science
Previously: Post-graduate researcher
Sude Atis, B.S. Postgraduate associate iremsude.atis@yale.edu |
PhD student, Firat-Karalar lab, Koc University
Previously: Post-graduate researcher, 2021-23
David Breslow, Ph.D. Assistant Professor david.breslow@yale.edu |
- Post-doctoral fellow, Stanford University, 2010-2016 (PI: Max Nachury)
- Ph.D. University of California, San Francisco, 2010 (PI: Jonathan Weissman)
- A.B. Harvard University, 2004
- Member, Yale Wu Tsai Institute
- Member, Yale Cancer Center
Mark Deng Undergraduate researcher mark.deng@yale.edu |
Research Specialist, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Previously: Undergraduate researcher; Yale College, class of 2023
Shane Elliott, B.S. Graduate student shane.elliott@yale.edu |
Scientist, Arbor Biotechnologies
Previously: PhD student
Hailey Fiel Graduate student hailey.fiel@yale.edu |
B.S., University of Michigan, 2024
Denise George Administrative Assistant Molecular Cell & Development Biology denise.george@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-3661 |
Tracy Knight, B.S. Post-graduate associate tracy.knight@yale.edu |
Tetrad PhD student, University of California San Francisco
Previously: Post-graduate researcher
Peiwei Liu, Ph.D. Associate Research Scientist peiwei.liu@yale.edu |
Assistant Professor, Shandong Normal University
Previously: Associate Research Scientist
Qianqian Ma, Ph.D. Associate Research Scientist qianqian.ma@yale.edu |
Ph.D. China Agricultural University, 2016
B.S. Shanxi Agriculture University, 2011
Ceara McAtee, B.S. Graduate Student ceara.mcatee@yale.edu |
B.S., University of Pittsburgh, 2020
Ashikun Nabi, Ph.D. Post-doctoral associate mdashikun.nabi@yale.edu |
Scientist I, Oncology, Berg Therapeutics
Previously: Post-doctoral associate
Kendall Oliver Undergraduate researcher kendall.oliver@yale.edu |
Assitant Clinical Research Coordinator, UCSD
Previously: Undergradute researcher, Yale College, class of 2021
Andrea Ortega Undergraduate researcher andrea.ortega@yale.edu |
Yale College, class of 2027
Paul Ready, B.A. Postgraduate associate paul.ready@yale.edu |
MD-PhD program, Univ Minnesota
Previously: Post-graduate researcher
Deniz Seven Graduate student deniz.seven@yale.edu |
MSc. Heidelberg University, 2024
BSc. Boğaziçi University, 2021
Jingbo Sun, Ph.D. Associate Research Scientist jingbo.sun@yale.edu |
Ph.D., China Agricultural University, 2016
B.S., Weifang University, 2010
Lauren Sweeney, B.S., M.S. Postgraduate associate lauren.sweeney@yale.edu |
Ph.D. student, UMass Amherst
Previously: Post-graduate associate
Alice Tao Undergraduate researcher alice.tao@yale.edu |
MD student, Columbia University Medical School
Previously: Undergraduate researcher; Yale College, class of 2020
Catie Wrinn, B.S. Post-graduate associate caitlin.wrinn@yale.edu |
B.S., Ursinus College, 2024